As in the previous game, players make their way across the globe attempting to cross off a laundry list of skating goals by using their own skater, a pro, or one of the two special characters hidden in each level.

It's fortunate, then, that once you get past the moral vacuum of the game's storyline, that THUG 2's gameplay is as much fun as it ever was. ISO torrent from games category on Isohunt. Now you can play as yourself, as your teammates, or as more than 20 special skaters. In an all-new storyline, Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 takes you to skateparks around the world, where you can spray your custom tag, slap stickers, and even create new skate lines.Hawk himself, to lead a team of skaters against a rival gang in the game's 'World Destruction Tour' competition, which plays out in famous cities around the globe. Once created, the player's character is picked by Mr. As in the previous game, players create their characters from scratch, assigning skill points and choosing from the widest array of appearance options yet offered in the series. As in the original Tony Hawk's Underground, THUG 2 centers on a player-created character, who must work his or her way up from suburban obscurity to extreme sport stardom. The Birdman goes back underground for his sixth foray into video games, this direct sequel to 2003's RPG-style on-board adventure.